EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5
Material Data Sheet
EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5
EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 is a Ti6Al4V alloy, which is well-known for having excellent mechanical properties: low density with high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. The alloy has low weight compared to superalloys and steels and higher fatigue resistance compared to other lightweight alloys. EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 is a titanium alloy powder intended for manufacturing parts on EOS metal systems with EOS DMLS processes.
Parts built with EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 powder can be machined, shot-peened and polished in as manufactured and heat treated states. Due to the layerwise building method, the parts have a certain anisotropy. Heat treatment is recommended to reduce internal stresses and increase ductility.
EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 powder can be used on the EOS M 290 with a 40 µm and 80 µm process and on the EOS M 400-4 with an 80 µm process.
- Low weight combined with high strength
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- High fatigue resistance compared to other lightweight alloys
- The parts fulfill chemical requirements for Grade 5 alloy
- Aerospace components
- Automotive components
- Other industrial applications where low weight in combination with high strength are required
The EOS Quality Triangle
EOS incorporates these TRLs into the following two categories:
- Premium products (TRL 7-9): offer highly validated data, proven capability and reproducible part properties.
- Core products (TRL 3 and 5): enable early customer access to newest technology still under development and are therefore less mature with less data.
All of the data stated in this material data sheet is produced according to EOS Quality Management System and international standards

EOS Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 powder is classified as Grade 5 titanium alloy according to ASTM B348. The chemical composition is in compliance with standards ISO5832-3, ASTM F1472, ASTM F2924, and ASTM F3302.
Powder Chemical Composition (wt.-%)
Element | Min. | Max. |
Ti | - | - |
Al | 5.5 | 6.75 |
V | 3.5 | 4.5 |
O | - | 0.2 |
N | - | 0.05 |
C | - | 0.08 |
H | - | 0.015 |
Fe | - | 0.3 |
Y | - | 0.005 |
Powder Particle Size

SEM micrograph of Titanium Ti64 Grade 5 powder
As manufactured microstructure for additively manufactured Ti64 consists of fully acicular alpha prime (α´) phase. Standard heat treatments for titanium do not necessarily produce desired microstructures due to this different starting microstructure. Heat treatment is recommended to relieve stresses and to increase ductility. Use of vacuum furnace is highly recommended to avoid the formation of alpha case on the surface of the parts.
120min (± 30 min) at 800 °C (±10 °C) measured from the part in vacuum (1.3 x 10-3 -1.3 x 10-5mbar) followed by cooling under vacuum or argon quenching.
Material mechanical properties are relatively insensitive to changes in heating and cooling rates, but longer treatment times may result in decreased strength and increased elongation.
Parts heat treated according to the recommended heat treatment have a microstructure consisting of fine alpha + beta (α + β) phase.