Be part of our mission!

Straight out of School - Right into Your Apprenticeship


Building a successful future.

Modern technologies? 3D printing? That may sound exciting. Then you've come to the right place. We are a world market leader and a medium-sized and family-owned business with a wide range of opportunities for young professionals. 

What we offer

#NeverAlone: Your teams are there to support you at all times.

#MoneyInThePocket: We pay you a top training salary.

#Brainfood: In our canteen, you will be well taken care of.

#BeachVacation: You have 30 days of vacation with us.

#FromAtoB: We offer you a travel allowance.

#FunMustBe: In addition to the fun at work, there are special trainee events.

#LearningIsHalfLife: Your learning is supported through training.

#TheFutureIsYours: You will be taken on after the successful completion of your apprenticeship.

#BeesInButt: Get involved with our own bee colony.

Your questions – Our answers: