Incodema3D Acquires Four EOS M 300-4 Metal AM Systems
For Immediate Delivery, Bringing its Fleet to 28 EOS Metal Additive Manufacturing Systems
____ NOVI, USA, APRIL 11, 2024
Leading industrial 3D printing manufacturer, Incodema3D, continues its rapid growth and investments in Direct Metal Laser Solidification (DMLS®) technology with its acquisition of four (4) more EOS M 300-4 systems. This significant investment brings Incodema3D’s stable of EOS technology to 28 metal additive manufacturing (AM) systems, with a projection to add more before the end of 2024.
“It can take years for some AM projects to gestate, it is not easy and requires a lot of legwork. Now we are seeing the fruit of these efforts with multiple programs scaling at one time – from aerospace to energy and a variety of other sectors with highly engineered applications where AM brings the highest value.”
Sean Whittaker, founder and CEO of Incodema3D.
Incodema3D has grown steadily since its first EOS system purchase in 2012, and has consolidated their business exclusively around EOS metal AM technology. With the addition of the four new EOS printers, Incodema3D is one of the largest additive manufacturers in North America. Incodema3D has also made considerable investments in all the ancillary equipment necessary for pre- and post-production, including their 60,000 sq. foot facility in Freeville, New York.

Why the EOS M 300-4
“Uptime, ease of use, and the ability to scale production. We chose the EOS M 300-4 because our current fleet of EOS printers are operating near 90% production utilization, so we need the fastest systems on the market to enable the growing production needs of our customers. The EOS M 300-4 is a production workhorse, and our technicians rave about how user-friendly and reliable of a system it is.”
“For 12 years, EOS has been instrumental in our success, from the day-to-day support of our fleet to the continuous product advancements in speed and performance of its printer platforms. Our relationship with EOS is one of the key pillars of our business.”
Sean Whittaker, founder and CEO of Incodema3D.

About the EOS M 300-4
- Based on EOS Direct Metal Laser Solidification (DMLS®), ensuring the highest levels of quality and repeatability
- Four 400w precision fiber lasers, and full field overlap with a focus diameter of approx. 100 µm (0.004 in)
- Build area of 300 x 300 x 400 mm
- Scan speed up to 7.0 m/s (23 ft./sec)
- Dual material recoaters that reduce the time between laser exposures
- Provides consistent part quality with up to 10-times higher productivity
- An expanding family of available materials, that currently includes EOS StainlessSteel 316L, EOS Aluminum AlSi10Mg, EOS Titanium Ti64, EOS MaragingSteel MS1, EOS NickelAlloy IN625, EOS NickelAlloy IN718, and EOS StainlessSteel 17-4PH
“The Incodema3D team is a great example of what can be achieved when extraordinarily talented people work together towards an aspirational goal. We continue to be blown away by what Incodema3D is accomplishing with EOS systems. They are a wonderful example of AM success, and we are grateful to be a part of their success story and look forward to helping them write their next chapter.”
Glynn Fletcher, president of EOS North America
About the Companies
Incodema3D’s mission is to be the preeminent production supplier in metal additive manufacturing with a focus on production for aerospace, defense, and other industrial applications. Incodema3D has utilized the last 12 years to build a fully developed platform to help their customers overcome all barriers to entry. The large installed fleet of qualified LPBF-M machines, vertically integrated machine shop and strategic industry partners, Incodema3D is ready to help with your metal AM needs.
For more information, visit www.incodema3D.com
EOS provides responsible manufacturing solutions via industrial 3D printing technologies to organizations around the world. Since 1989, EOS has shaped the future of manufacturing by enabling its customers to innovate and differentiate through expert guidance, technology and services, leveraging its end-to-end additive manufacturing (AM) industry partnerships. From strategy to education to production, EOS is the leading global partner for both metal and polymer AM solutions, accelerating time-to-market for its customers through high-quality production efficiencies and sustainable solutions.
Graphic Material: EOS Press Center
EOS Contact
Patrick Boyd
Marketing Director
+1 801.368.3977
Sean Whittaker, Founder and CEO of Incodema3D
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Incodema3D Shop Floor
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Incodema3D Building
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Incodema3D Acquires Four EOS M 300-4 - PDF (English)
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